Seven Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe and Warm this Winter

It’s that post-holiday time when the weather gets colder and all we want to do is stay bundled up inside. If you are a dog owner, you may also be familiar with the struggle of motivating your furry friend to venture outdoors. We spoke to our friends at Dog City to get some tips and tricks on how to make sure your pup is happy all winter long.

1. Bundle Up

If you are going out in the cold weather with your dog, make sure to put a coat or sweater on them to keep them warm. This is especially important for smaller dogs and dogs with short fur. Larger breeds with a lot of fur are better suited for the cold weather and don’t need as much extra warmth. As a general rule; if it’s too cold outside for you, it’s definitely too cold for your dog.

2. Limit Outside Time

Limit your dog’s time outside on extremely cold days to just for walks. Dog can suffer from frostbite too, especially on their ears, so keep them inside as much as possible during the winter.

3. Buy Some Booties

Booties are a great way to keep your dog’s paws free from snow, salt, and other chemicals used during the winter months. Buildup of any of these in your dog’s paws can cause irritation and blisters. Booties can also keep your dog’s paws warm. An alternative to booties is to use petroleum jelly or another paw balm to keep dog’s paws protected.

4. Wipe Their Paws

Wiping your dog’s paws after going outside is another great way to keep their paws clean and free from debris. It has the added effect of keeping your furniture clean as well.

5. Keep up with Grooming

Bathe your dog as little as possible during the cold winter months. Bathing can strip away essential oils that your dog’s skin needs especially when the air is so dry due to the cold. Likewise, never shave your dog to the skin during the winter as your dog need their fur to keep them warm. Trimming the fur on the bottom of your dog’s paws can also prevent snow or debris from sticking to their paws and causing irritation.

6. Watch Out for Antifreeze Spills

Antifreeze is a commonly used chemical during the winter months to prevent the liquid in cars from freezing over. Unfortunately this poses a threat to dogs, who can experience vomiting, seizures, excessive thirst, panting, lethargy, and a drunken appearance if they drink some. Even as little as a teaspoon can cause kidney failure, so keep a close eye on your dog during walks and avoid cars.

7. Let Them Eat Extra

Feeding your dog a little more than usual during these cold months can provide them with much needed calories. Make sure that their water bowl is always full as well. Though not as much as in the Summer, dehydration is still an issue that can happen during the winter.

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